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AI powered content analysis of your brand and competitors

Discover what resonates and build a stronger brand effortlessly through in-depth content insights from industry leading brands.

AI Powered Strategic Social Media Insights


AI powered insights to help you learn what content resonates in your industry.

Features included:

  • Competitor Intelligence

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Audience Insights

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Paid ad cost metrics

Delivers a comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Sentiment

A comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Organic engagement metrics

Zavy delivers a comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Content tagging

Extensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • AI post captions

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • AI comment Insights

Side-by-side comparisons of your data vs your competitors, helping you uncover actionable insights within a fraction of the time

  • Insight reporting

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

Complex data, simple design

Discover in-depth findings, delivered in beautiful, human centric design.

AI Powered Social Media Strategic Insights

Content pillar analysis of successful brands

A side by side view of your content pillars vs top performing brands in your industry.

Dive into each content pillar and see its tone of voice, audience feedback, engagement types, sentiment, and more.

Gain a competitive edge by understanding what works so you can refine your content strategy for maximum impact.

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AI Powered Social Media Content Insights.

Winning content attributes

AI scans posts finding elements present in winning content, and curates audience feedback for each post for your own or your competitors' - within seconds.

Learn why a post resonated, and make quicker decisions for your next post with AI content and comment analysis.

No credit card required.
Social media benchmarking.

Competitor content performance over time

Track your content performance over time and compare it with other industry leading brands.

Each line represents a brand in your industry. Click on any data point to uncover the standout content that drove spikes in engagement.

No credit card required.
AI Powered Social Media Strategic Insights
AI Powered Social Media Content Insights.Social media benchmarking.

"Our content producers and editors use Zavy to benchmark against competitor brands and extract snackable insights per category, per brand, per competitor, per channel and get ideas for where we can slot it.”

Ana Zupanoska - Head of Social Strategy at Are Media

Try Zavy for free.

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See where your brand sits on The Zavy Scoreboard, unlock AI powered strategic and content insights, and plan and publish your social media posts.

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