TRA is an insight agencythat combines understanding of human behaviour with intelligent data capabilityto help clients navigate uncertainty and answer complex problems. It does thisby putting people at the heart of the organisations it works with throughextensive use of research, analytics, strategy, culture and design.
TRA’s Head of Strategy,Carl Sarney, uses Zavy with clients to see what’s working for them on social:
“We loveusing Zavy to see what's working in social media that could be elevated andamplified in broadcast channels. For example, Zavy has helped us identify wherea brand that typically took a serious tone in above the line advertising wasgetting disproportionately good engagement with social media posts that took amore humorous tone. This gave the marketing team evidence to bring a morehumorous tone to their broadcast advertising and more effectively hit theirmarketing objectives.”
“Zavy ismore than just a social media monitoring tool, it helps marketers pick up onsocial media effectiveness and extend that out to other touch points in themarketing mix, lifting overall effectiveness.”